Monday, 18 March 2013

Homeopathy helped me to live a normal life without rheumatism

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Mark's Daily Apple

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Dr Isaac Golden has been teaching Homoeopathy since 1988. He is founder and director of the College of Hahnemannian Homoeopathy. In his own practice, Isaac specialises in treating patients suffering from chronic disease using constitutional and anti-miasmic homoeopathic treatment. He sees many infants, and often receives referrals for the treatment of vaccine damaged children. Isaac is a world authority on homoeoprophylaxis - the use of homoeopathic medicines for specific disease prevention and has undertaken the worlds largest long-term study of parents using such a program. In 2004 he completed a PhD research program at GSIM, Swinburne University, Melbourne, studying homoeoprophylaxis. This is the first time a mainstream Australian University has accepted such a topic for orthodox research.