Sunday, 20 December 2015

Wishing you a relaxing Christmas and a fabulous, healthy 2016 !

 Dear clients and friends of homeopathy,
The year is coming to an end I hope that overall it has been a good one for you. May your holiday season be relaxing and peaceful. The new year full of adventure and health.

Now is the time we tend to reflect about what has passed and make resolutions for the year to come. Hopefully you will consider your physical health, mental and emotional well being in your goals as only then will the coming year be spectacular.

I will be offering another 4 hour short course for Accidents & Emergencies incl. a homeopathic kit @ $80. So if you are interested, please let me know or maybe you would like to give it as a gift for Christmas?

I also offer vouchers which can be at any value and used for a consultation or a product such as a kit.

Rescue Remedy in a lovely bag with instructions is another lovely gift you could consider. 

20mls/ $25.

I will be here between the holidays and in January should you want a consultation or have an emergency that can't wait.

Have a lovely Christmas and thank you for entrusting me with your health.

Find this radio show on Radio Kidnappers under programme Homeopathy Hub


Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Need a Christmas gift for a special person?

Supporting a dear friend or loved one to regain or maintain health and well-being is a truly personal way of showing how much you care. Have you considered giving any of the following?
  • Rescue Remedy in a chiffon bag with an info sheet for internal and external uses. 20mls @ $25
  • A kit consisting of 12 homeopathic medicines for all occasions such as ; Summer ailments, Travel, Sports & Injuries, Accidents & Emergencies or Birthing and more.
  • Gift certificate for my next 4 hour short course including a kit of 12 homeopathic medicines $80
  • Gift certificate for a homeopathic consultation $120 including a homeopathic medicine
  • Gift certificate for a personal Bach Flower mixture. Ideal to help you deal with emotional stressors  50mls @ $35
  • Homeopathic Sleep combo drops @ $7

Yes there is something suitable for everyone and every occasion.Contact me on 021 33 52 33 or email: and order your selection to show your care and appreciation for those close to you.

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Free Info evening on how to improve your sleep

I will be presenting homeopathic medicines which could improve your sleep. You will also find out how beneficial adjustments to your diet can be, which herbs, teas to use. We will also talk about creating a healthy sleeping environment and what you can achieve with meditation and thoughts to get that well deserved rest. 4 presenters and plenty of hands on advice, tips and information. Do come along to these evenings and spread the word.

My stand at the Health and Wellbeing Expo in Taradale, November 2015

As member of the Hawke's Bay Health Collaborative I was on the organising committee of this very first Health & Wellbeing Expo held by this group. The idea as a collaborative is to meet other complimentary health care practitioners and to experience their services so that when we feel our clients would benefit from another modality we can refer them to a trusting practitioner. It is all about the health of our clients. This expo showcased 22 stands and the variety of modalities which is pretty impressive. We had a wonderful turnout and some very positive feedback. Health talks and product samples as well as intro sessions were offered. We are definitely  motivated to make this an annual event.

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Don't miss the Health & Wellbeing Expo

Next Steps Lifestyle Expo 2015

It was great to be part of this expo for elderly in Hawke's Bay and to raise awareness about the options using homeopathic medicine during my 30 minute talk.

I am also a founding member of the Hawke's Bay Health Collaborative which is a group of local complimentary health practitioners. Check out the new website to learn more about the individual modalities.

Watch for tne next upcoming short course in homeopathy

In September 2015 I held another successful 4 hour short course for homeopathic medicines which are especially useful after accidents and in emergencies. The course was held on 2 afternoons so that participants had a chance to use some medicines from their new kits of 12 medicines and ask questions the following week.  The feedback was great and now more parents, educators are aware of the possibilities with homeopathy.

If you are interested in attending such a course, just contact me. I can also offer to give short courses for private groups, clubs, businesses,... I am always keen to raise awareness and help give people choices.

Sunday, 12 July 2015

Homeo Pie a song about the history of homeopathy

The song homeo-pie is based  on the song American pie, Performed by Robert Cassard & Bara Waters who decided recently to put this video together. Enjoy and learn.

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

A short course in homeopathic medicines for Accidents & Emergencies

with local homeopaths
 Heidi Beck & Jane Pritchard

There is a lot more you can do to help yourself and loved ones besides taking pharmaceutical drugs after accidents and in an emergency. This 4 hour short course is right for you especially if you are a parent, athlete, coach or simply accident prone!

After a brief introduction to homeopathy you will learn how and when to use this effective, natural medicine which is safe for all ages and stimulates the body’s self-healing response.

What you get for $70 per person is your very own Accident & Emergency Homeopathy Kit and plenty of practical examples along with written remedy indications to complement conventional emergency treatment procedures for example:

Shock *   Haemorrhage  *   Minor burns *    Stiff or torn muscles, ligaments, tendons  *  Bruising  *   Swelling *   Crushed injuries  *   Puncture wounds  *  Concussions *   Hypothermia *   Sprains & Strains *    Allergic reactions  *    Bites & Stings *   Pain

When:             Wednesday 20th and  27th  May
                      from 7 - 9pm
Where:            Homeopathy Hub @ Bay Babies
    304 Lyndon Rd. West, Hastings
Register:       Heidi Beck 021 33 52 33
                         Jane Pritchard 027 2333 343

Monday, 30 March 2015

International Homeopathy Awareness Week - Meet your local homeopaths at Farmer's Market in Hastings 12th April


Homeopaths worldwide are celebrating homeopathy through the10th annual World Homeopathy Awareness Week April 9- 15 2015. The theme this year is ‘Homeopathy in infectious diseases’. There will be displays in libraries and homeopaths will be at the Hastings Farmers Market on Sunday 12 April to answer speak to people who would like to know more about homeopathy. For over 200 years homeopathy has been used to support the immune systems of people with infectious diseases, including influenza, colds and coughs, boils, skin infections, teeth infections and so on. People who use homeopathy know that the right homeopathic medicine can quickly stimulate a positive healing response reducing the time and intensity of the illness.  

Homeopathy uses natural diluted medicines (also called remedies) to stimulate the person’s own immune response. They don’t work in the chemistry of the body but do work through the quantum energy field of the person, sometimes called the life force or the ‘qi’. This little push to the ‘field’ is often enough to reorganise the various systems in the body so symptoms disappear. The response can be very fast and it is not unusual to see a person walk out of your clinic saying they are already better after the dose.

Conventional medicine has yet to find a way to measure the effect that homeopathic medicines have on the energy field of the person but will, in time, find a way to demonstrate this effect. However homeopathic medicines can be used alongside conventional medicine as there is no risk of interactions. 

We have a wide range of homeopathic medicines available to us - mostly made from plants, animals and minerals or gems. You can make appointments for homeopaths in Napier and Hastings through our website or by email

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

At the homeopathic seminar in Auckland March 2015

Hawke's Bay homeopaths meet Jan Scholten author and lecturer of Wonderful Plants

My Homeopathy Hub colleagues are very concentrated

Jan Scholten lecturing about his wonderful new plant theory and how it makes prescribing more precise

Heidi Beck & Jane Pritchard from Homeopathy Hub talk about how homeopathic medicine can help you with stressors in your life

Radio Cape Kidnappers a 27 minute interview. Click on the link to listen

Just One Drop Reel