Monday, 6 November 2023

Do you need a special gift for someone you care about? I have a few suggestions for you!

This homeopathic kit consists of 11 remedies in glass vials and comes with detailed guidelines so anyone is able to use these homeopathic remedies. This kit will come in handy for situations of minor burns, bruising, sprains, cold symptoms, rashes, infections, fever, fright, grief, emotional stress, and even holiday hangover! Definitely a useful and wonderful present. Only $60

Great gift for someone going on an overseas trip. Only $10
Bach Flower Rescue Remedy is great for anyone experiencing stress, anxiety, anticipation. Safe and very effective even on animals. Comes with info sheet and many usage suggestions. 20mls only $28
My personal homeopathic sleep combo has proven to be very helpful for those struggling to relax and turn off the racing thoughts or worry keeping you from falling asleep or waking and not going back to sleep. This present will definitely be appreciated by the recipient! 10mls only $10. 

Monday, 28 August 2023

Time to act and sign this petition which undermines your access to natural health products including homeopathy

The Therapeutic Products Act (TPA) was recently passed with urgency by Parliament, ignoring over 16,000 submissions calling for important changes to how Government intends to regulate importing, manufacturing and exporting of Natural Health Products (NHPs). This new legislation is complex, poorly written and based on insufficient evidence that NHPs are inherently risky and need to be regulated to this level.

As member of the NZ Council for homeopathy and the NZ Homeopathic Society in New Zealand, I/we think NHPs should be removed from this Act. We are concerned that:

The cost of this new system will be passed on to consumers, driving up the prices of NHPs and effectively limiting or eliminating your access to those you know and trust;
Your health choices and your ability to manage your own health and well-being will be severely limited;
The equity of healthcare access for many people within our community will be compromised.
Further, we are concerned that the new regulator will have insufficient, pertinent expertise to appropriately set regulations for NHPs.  The legislation provides no assurance that qualified Natural Health Practitioners will be involved in regulatory decision-making, meaning:

The viability of New Zealand-owned, small and medium-sized Natural Health and Pharmacy businesses will be threatened;
The diversity of New Zealand’s health and wellness professionals will be undermined.
You as a health consumer should have your say. It doesn’t matter if you are a consumer of one or many natural health practices, they are all under threat. It is your choice.

In this election year, there are two actions you can take right now:

1. Sign this petition:
Remove Natural Health Products from the Therapeutic Products Act

2. Write to your local MP and ask them what they know about the Therapeutic Products Act and how it will impact New Zealand consumers. This is an election year, make them aware of the impact. Many of them have no idea.

Tuesday, 23 May 2023

Healing from Blame and Shame after Sexual Abuse

Listen to Claudia tell about her inspiring healing journey

 In this podcast my client Claudia talks about how hard it has been to find her way to a healthy, happy life after ongoing sexual abuse from her trainer. There are many ways to heal from trauma. I believe homeopathy is very gentle, effective and results are immediate as well as long lasting. Counselling can feel like you are reliving the traumatic experiences. In a homeopathic consultation it is more important to understand what the traumatic experience has done to you. In other words how has it affected your physical health, your emotions, thoughts, how do you live your daily life now etc. The details of your past experiences do not need to be relived or outspoken. 

The selected homeopathic remedy will help unblock what is keeping you from moving forward and enjoying life again. If you are unsure if a consultation with me is right for you, call me, ask your questions and then decide.   

Sunday, 23 April 2023

Listen to my show on Family Healing after Divorce

People get divorced for a good reason. Often that means there has been an unsettling time with many arguments and discussions leading to anger and emotional hurt. This affects every family member in many different ways. Homeopathy is a powerful yet gentle way to help each person heal from the traumatic effects of a divorce. Some struggle with anxiety, lack of self worth, insomnia, eating and digestive disorders, poor concentration, nervous tension, migraines just to name a few issues.

Children see, hear and feel far more than parents realise. It is not surprising therefore to notice changes in their behaviour, learning, eating and sleep patterns or even bed wetting.

Homeopathy not only helps you heal from the obvious physical issues but will also help you emotionally and can even let you overcome thought patterns that have been unhealthy.

Curious? Tune in to hear from Jo personally about how homeopathy helped her reclaim her health and wellbeing after her divorce.

Click here to listen to "Homeopathy with Heidi"

Tuesday, 7 March 2023

Homeopathic Remedies Post Trauma and Disaster

 The cyclone has caused destruction and devastation beyond imagination and the effects will be felt in many ways for a very long time. It is important to get relief from the sleeping issues, anxiety, grief you might be experiencing and to ask for help. Homeopathy is very effective, all natural and safe for all ages, even animals who are equally traumatised can benefit from it. 

The indications for remedies to consider are below.

Homeopathy treats the individual person so if these acute remedies are not helpful or enough, please feel free to contact me for a consultation which can be done in person or online and the remedy then sent to you. Please talk to me about discounts.

To find out more about how homeopathy can help you might want to listen to my latest radio show on Hawke’s Bay Radio, programme “Homeopathy with Heidi” about Trauma and burnout post cyclone. It is also on Apple play and Spotify or via my website (see below).

Remedies will support your mental, emotional and physical recovery.

Our heart goes out to the community and we are keen to help. All homeopaths are available to support you and your loved ones in times of need.

            Aconite: for fear and fright, near death experience. Consider this remedy even if the trauma is a while back. 

Arsenicum album: for fear and worry about loss of security on all levels - physical and financial. It helps to reduce the fear of being alone. Waking and restlessness after midnight.

     Gelsemium: can help those with ailments from hearing bad news. It may also help with post traumatic conditions where the person feels dizzy or drowsy and may come down with cold symptoms following bad news or shock.

      Opium: can be useful for someone who has had such a fright that they become severely disassociated. If you are suffering from this form of self-protection following a shock or trauma, you may not be aware how “out of it” you are. Sometimes you may be feeling dull or numb as if drugged or sedated.

      Argentum nitricum: is used for repeated catastrophic thoughts of the fright or trauma. It is also helpful for anxiety of going into a possible traumatic situation.

      Arnica: is the first remedy to consider for the general effects of an injury. It helps to maintain your strength, promotes healing and assists in overcoming shock. It is good for general bruising and swelling as well as injury to the head and neck.

      Ignatia: is very beneficial in the event of sudden loss or grief. You may be in the state of disbelief. There can be heavy sighing or sobbing, or nervous muscle twitching. You can be highly emotional or oversensitive or exactly the opposite with the desire to be alone and in silence. Sense of being overwhelmed.

          Stramonium: is used if you have experienced and re-experienced fear and terror after a shock or trauma. You may experience a range of feelings, such as hysteria with loud laughing to rage and feelings of unreality.

      Phosphoric acid: is for anyone who sinks into apathy and doesn’t want to talk after hearing bad news. In spite of the apathy, they are able to summon up enough energy to carry out physical activities if they have to.

         Rescue remedy: is a Bach Flower Combination Remedy that can be used for anyone who is anxious or frightened. It is a good way to administer the remedy to people suffering from shock and ongoing fear or anxiety. I suggest you add 6-8 drops to your daily water bottle to help take the “edge” off stress, worry, anxiety, nervousness and state of despair. Take it for a few weeks. You cannot overdose on it and there is no risk of any harmful side effects. Also add it to the food or water of animals.

     Dosage Guidelines

     Choose a remedy which most closely matches your symptoms and situation.

    Let 1 pill dissolve under your tongue.

    In acute situations add 1 pillule to a glass of water, stir and sip every 15 minutes for 2-4 hours. When symptoms improve STOP taking the remedy - start again if symptoms return. If there has been no improvement consider another remedy or contact your nearest homeopath.

    Keep homeopathic medications in a cool dark place out of reach of sunlight and away from aromatherapy or strong-smelling substances as well as EMFs.

    Sunday, 8 January 2023

    Have a fabulous 2023

    Every day is a new chance for you to make changes, appreciate more what you have, set new goals and start taking steps towards achieving them. Most importantly seek help when needed. You don't have to do it alone. The result is what counts, not how you got there.

    My personal tip to help you achieve what you set out to do is to make minor changes which are achievable to give you a sense of satisfaction and strength to take the next step towards your goal be it career, family or personal health related. Trying to change too much at once, for example if you want to be healthier DO NOT start dieting, joining the gym and aiming to go daily, quitting all bad habits and maybe changing jobs while you are at it! You are most likely setting yourself up for disappointment and failure.

    Maybe start by cutting out all alcohol during the week, reducing how many cigarettes you smoke and instead of 3 coffees daily, have one. You might also aim to do yoga once a week and something sporty at least once on the weekend. Go to bed earlier. After 2-3 weeks of achieving these goals add to them. This is just an example, obviously tailor changes to your life.

    Should you want my support in improving your health, dealing with chronic illness, reducing your prescription medication, working through trauma and more, please get in touch for a consultation and let your healing journey begin.