Tuesday, 3 August 2021

Homeopathy for the whole family

Programme "Homeopathy with Heidi" on Radio Kidnapper, episode: Homeopathy for the family 

In this episode Heidi has a chat with her client Marissa who shares how homeopathy has helped the whole family. Some of these health issues will sound familiar to you too! 

For example; mastitis, nursing issues, baby colic, sleeping issues, school anxiety, school bullying, learning and concentration problems, low confidence, tummy bug with diarrhoea, head aches, stress of being a Mom and more.... !!

Why Homeopathy? Why Not?

What do you really know about this form of complimentary medicine? Do you have unanswered questions about homeopathy? Are you repeating what sceptics say? Then this show will help you make informed choices and help you decide what is right for your health and well being.

Click here to listen to my programme "Homeopathy with Heidi" on Radio Kidnappers; episode Why Homeopathy? Why not?

Monday, 19 April 2021

Homeopathy for menopausal symptoms

 Change is generally a good thing. Tell that to a menopausal woman and you might not like her reaction. Some women are fortunate to breeze through this transition period in life, others suffer from hot flashes, mood swings, anxiety, weight gain, poor memory, low libido, sleep disturbances and more!!

Listen to my client, Joanne share her initial symptoms of menopause and how they were limiting her life. She will also tell you how the homeopathic remedy changed all of that.

In other words; why suffer in silence when there is effective, natural and affordable medicine such as homeopathy. No side  effects to worry about either.

Click here to listen to Homeopathy with Heidi on Radio Kidnappers: Heidi chats to Joanne about her hot flashes

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

A client finds relief from gut and skin issues, overcomes her grief and drastically improves her debilitating sweating problem

 So often clients come to a homeopath to find relief from one nagging health complaint as you would when visiting your GP or specialist.

Homeopathy is holistic healing, so you will be asked repeatedly, "What else is bothering you?" as well as ".. tell me more." 

My recent client heard one of my radio shows on gut health so she got in touch from USA. We scheduled a video consultation and soon found there was more than gut and skin issues going on for her. Not only has homeopathy stimulated healing of gut and skin, she has finally been able to work through some bottled up grief and move forward. Most unexpectedly the chronic sweating condition, hyperhydrosis for which she has been medically treated for 20 years,
has improved drastically.

Curios and want to know what Amanda has to say about her healing journey? Click here to listen

Sunday, 28 February 2021

Currently on annual leave until March 21

 My apologies for any inconvenience due to my absence.

If you want to book an appointment for the week of 22 March, please txt me on 021 335 233 with a preferred day and time or email me and I will get back to you as soon as possible confirming your consult with me.

If you are an existing client and have any questions, you can also txt or email me and I will be in touch asap.

Thank you for your understanding. Heidi

Saturday, 6 February 2021

Need some help with back to school issues?

This month listen to me talk about how homeopathy might be able to help you and your child with issues around going back to  or starting school. Often the stressors are not clear but they are experienced and expressed in many ways.

For example: mood and behaviour changes, sleep issues, nightmares, eating disorders, concentration and learning difficulties (dyslexia, stuttering,..), stomach cramps, bed wetting and so on.

With homeopathy there is no danger in giving it a try as there are no side effects such as from pharmaceutical drugs. It is all natural, effective and affordable.

Monday, 11 January 2021

Sign up today for the next course Feb 14th 2021. You don't want to miss out!


Jessica came for Sinusitis relief and found deeper healing

In homeopathy we start with the person, then look at the causes and what was going on for you before your "dis-ease", then the presenting symptoms and how they affect you emotionally. 

Therefore every prescription is different and individual. Jessica came because of her very painful sinusitis und she wanted to avoid anti-biotics. After the in depth consultation of 1 hour, she received a homeopathic medicine which not only stopped the physical complaints but it also led her to realize who she is and how she wants to live as she was finally able to resolve the past traumas. Hard to believe? Then click on the link and find out more.

Listen to Jessica tell how homeopathy helped her heal and find her true self