Homeopathy for both humans and animals is a gentle, natural and effective scientifically based system of healing that uses a wide variety of substances in dilute doses to stimulate the body's natural ability to heal itself without any toxic side effects.
Research in the field of quantum physics has demonstrated that repeated dilution and vigorous shaking imprints the characteristic energy pattern, or blueprint, of the original substance onto the water in which it is diluted. Remedies given in this dynamic form enable the body to regain the energy and ability to restore health. Often quick fix therapies mean relapsing symptoms.
Often when someone consults a homeopath they have tried numerous therapies from doctors to counselors or other complimentary modalities with varying and limited success. It is important to consider health/ well being versus illness/dis-ease holistically and to address the individual with this dis-ease instead of focusing on the dis-ease or diagnosis.
"… the highest ideal of therapy is to restore health
rapidly, gently, permanently;
to remove the whole disease in the shortest, surest, least harmful way,
according to clearly comprehensible principles."
Aphorism 2, The
Organon, Samuel Hahnemann
Homeopathy's popularity is acknowledged by the world health organisation and it is used by millions of people worldwide in both acute and chronic health complaints. It has a proven track record for safety and clinical effectiveness. The Swiss government has now fully funded homeopathic consultations giving people a choice. Their study revealed that prevention is cheaper and better than cure for society. India even has a Health Minister for Homeopathy and homeopathic hospitals. It is not a new form of medicine nor is it placebo or even based on "believing in it for it to work". Results speak for themselves.
In 1796, a German doctor, Samuel Hahnemann, discovered a revolutionary approach to cure disease which he called “homeopathy”, from the Greek words meaning "similar suffering". Dr Hahnemann discovered that any substance of plant, animal or mineral origin given to a healthy person in crude or repeated doses will cause that person to develop complaints or symptoms of dis-ease . He also found that any substance that causes this in a healthy person, when given in diluted doses to someone who is unwell can assist their return to health. This is known as the Principle of Similars and goes back to the father of medicine Hypocrates.
tinctures are made by specialised pharmacies from substances including plants,
animal products, minerals and elements. They
are diluted so that any poisons become safer to ingest. A process of further
dilution and vigorous shaking follows to create various potencies (strength of
the remedy). Some potencies support mainly on the body's physical aspects, others also
on the mental/emotional plane of the person.