Saturday, 6 April 2013

World Homeopathy Awareness Week (WHAW) 10th-16th April 2013 Theme: Homeopathy for Trauma & Disasters

 World Homeopathy Awareness Week in New Zealand 10th - 16th April 2013

New Zealand Council of Homeopaths is pleased to support the nationwide celebration of World Homeopathy Awareness Week. WHAW events to celebrate and promote Homeopathy are taking place in more than 45 countries worldwide.
Homeopaths & homeopathic groups around New Zealand are organizing various WHAW activities to further raise public profile of Homeopathy.

 Local Hawke’s Bay Homeopaths Tanja Baker, Heidi Beck and Jane Pritchard will be answering the public’s questions, informing about homeopathic first aid kits for Trauma and Disaster response in Emerson St. Napier by the statue outside Gahagan’s pharmacy on Saturday 13th April from 10am – 2 pm. Poster stands and free flyers are at the Napier and Taradale libraries during WHAW.

Advocated by the World Health Organization, Homeopathy is used successfully world-wide, becoming an increasingly important health modality both in New Zealand and internationally.

This year’s theme Homeopathy for Trauma and Disasters has generated significant response from the public worldwide showing great interest in holistic approach to their health.

Homeopathic medicine is a unique, effective and holistic natural health care system founded over 200 years ago. It assists the person’s natural healing and restorative potential, and helps to balance the person as a whole.

Homeopathy can assist people of all ages from baby to eldery with a wide range of illnesses  ranging from acute injuries or infections to long standing health issues such as digestive disorders, skin problems, migraines, hormonal disturbances and many more. It has also proven to be most helpful for trauma sufferers of various worldwide disasters over the past few years.

Christchurch registered homeopaths should be commended for offering many free consultations during the first month after the September 4th earthquake. Many provided consults to new and existing patients who needed help with insomnia, acute fear states and anticipatory fears as the aftershocks continued. Many reported referrals from other health professionals and front line emergency relief staff.

Homeopathic pharmacies in Wellington and Tauranga provided free homeopathic medications to Christchurch homeopaths as a show of support.

Our Christchurch colleagues have reported many amazing responses to homeopathic treatment.  For example; One child, frightened by the earthquake, had disturbed sleep for 4 weeks and was becoming aggressive and difficult to manage. After a single dose of the indicated homeopathic medicine she is now sleeping well and not feeling frightened during the day or having fits of rage like she was.

Homeopaths working with people in trauma situations such as Ground Zero (New York, 9/11/2001) and following Cyclone Katrina (New Orleans, 28/8/2005)report rapid and effective relief from fears, depression and anxiety  says Susanna Shelton, former Co-President of the NZ Council of Homeopaths.  

For example, a New York Fire Department Captain treated for deep depression after the loss of his colleagues reported that after the homeopathic medicine his head cleared, the despair lifted, he was more calm and his ambition returned. When his mental state relapsed after three months a repeat of the homeopathic medicine again helped him. This level of response to physical and mental anguish is typical of what homeopaths have observed over the last 150 years.

NZCH would like to see registered homeopaths included alongside counsellors, victim support agencies and other trauma specialists as part of civil emergency plans. People suffering from fright and grief states, as well as from physical trauma, may benefit from cost-effective and non-addictive homeopathic treatment immediately after the trauma and days, weeks or months later.  

Registered homeopathic practitioners can be found on Find A Homeopath on the NZCH website