Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Free presentation First Aid Homeopathy

Welcome to a FREE presentation
First Aid Homeopathy
Heidi Beck RC Hom will explain the basic principles of this very safe, effective and natural approach to dealing with injuries, accidents, and other medical emergencies including emotional shock, trauma, grief, panic, inflammation, bruising, pain, sprains, stiff muscles and joints, cold sores, skin rash, bee sting, sudden collapse, hypothermia, puncture wounds, crush injuries, nose bleeds, unconsciousness and more.
A basic first aid kit consisting of 12 homeopathic remedies will be explained, giving you the ability to help yourself and your loved ones.
Come to

Hertaunga Women's Centre

Cnr Eastbourne and Russell St., Hastings
Thursday, 17th October 2013
7pm – 9pm
Be informed, bring a friend and learn how to take control of your health!

Any questions please feel free to contact:

Heidi Beck Registered Classical Homeopath
Bach Flowers, Tissue Salts, Iridology
Clinic:  1 Lambton Rd., Hospital Hill, Napier M: 021 33 52 33

         Prior registration is much appreciated. Ph 878 5401