Friday, 6 April 2018

This year's topic is pregnancy and child birth. Check out my radio talks on mother and child remedies.


World Homeopathy Awareness Week takes place on the 10th-16th April which is organised by the World Homeopathy Awareness Organisation.
The week is a celebration of both homeopaths and those who have been healed with homeopathy. The date of 10th April was chosen to mark the start of this event as it is the birthday of Dr Samuel Hahnemann, the German physician who is credited with creating homeopathy and who said “A homeopath’s “high and only mission is to restore the sick to health… in the shortest, most reliable and most harmless way.”

During World Homeopathy Awareness Week (WHAW) free public events such as lectures, media interviews, volunteer first-aid at sports events, free & reduced clinics, written materials, pieces on Twitter and Facebook, publication articles and much more are shared in over 40 countries.
Through more awareness and access to homeopathy resulting in profoundly improved health, the paradigm in the understanding of healing and healthcare can truly shift.
Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine that uses small, highly diluted doses of natural substances to trigger the bodies own healing abilities. Bach Remedies are probably the most well-known company in the UK whose remedies work in conjunction with herbs, homeopathy and medications and are safe for everyone, including children, pregnant women, pets, elderly and even plants. The Greatest gift that you can give to others is to be happy and hopeful yourself; then you draw them up out of their despondency.” Edward Bach

The World Homeopathy Association WHAO is a non-profit, non-governmental organization. It is incorporated as a foundation under the law of The Netherlands since the 21st of November 2008, to create a Worldwide Network to help promote Homeopathy.