Click on the link below to listen to my chat with Kerry and what homeopathy has done for her and her family. Nosebleeds, post op recovery, emotional shifts and more

Her mother was not recovering well at all from the the abdominal surgery 6 weeks prior to coming to see me. Scar tissue was very painful, walking and sitting difficult, the incontinence still there, poor sleep, bad dreams and more symptoms were all relieved within a few days of taking the homeopathic medicine. She was a skeptic but felt she had nothing to lose so decided to give homeopathy a go! Lucky for her, she did.
Kerry's son was having horrific and recurring nose bleeds which were hindering him in everyday life especially at school and sports. What appears to be merely physical and obvious often is not. Along with stopping the nosebleeds from coming back her son also became emotionally stronger and able to deal with the recent breakup of his parents. He was able to express his emotions and was happier, more confident after receiving homeopathic treatment.
In holistic medicine we address the person as a "whole". We are more than physical beings and illness is expressed in the body but there is most likely a mental and / or emotional component. If all this is considered,
true healing can be achieved.
Tune in to find out more and feel free to contact me if you have any comments or questions.
Homeopathy for repeated nosebleeds, post surgery care and more