Tuesday, 7 April 2015

A short course in homeopathic medicines for Accidents & Emergencies

with local homeopaths
 Heidi Beck & Jane Pritchard

There is a lot more you can do to help yourself and loved ones besides taking pharmaceutical drugs after accidents and in an emergency. This 4 hour short course is right for you especially if you are a parent, athlete, coach or simply accident prone!

After a brief introduction to homeopathy you will learn how and when to use this effective, natural medicine which is safe for all ages and stimulates the body’s self-healing response.

What you get for $70 per person is your very own Accident & Emergency Homeopathy Kit and plenty of practical examples along with written remedy indications to complement conventional emergency treatment procedures for example:

Shock *   Haemorrhage  *   Minor burns *    Stiff or torn muscles, ligaments, tendons  *  Bruising  *   Swelling *   Crushed injuries  *   Puncture wounds  *  Concussions *   Hypothermia *   Sprains & Strains *    Allergic reactions  *    Bites & Stings *   Pain

When:             Wednesday 20th and  27th  May
                      from 7 - 9pm
Where:            Homeopathy Hub @ Bay Babies
    304 Lyndon Rd. West, Hastings
Register:       Heidi Beck 021 33 52 33
                         Jane Pritchard 027 2333 343
          email: info@homeopathyhub.co.nz