Tuesday, 1 October 2019

My first hand experiences with Ayurveda and how it compliments Homeopathy

I spent 1 week trouring the beautiful island of Sri Lanka and then was in "heaven on earth" for 2 weeks at the Ananda Resort on Kosgada beach. 
Well then listen to my show by clicking on the link below.
How are Ayurveda and Homeopathy complimentary

It was truly a mind, body soul cleansing Ayurveda retreat. Not for you? Well that's what you might think now but tune in to find out how we all will benefit from this kind of healthy holiday. Adding a stay at such a resort to your homeopathic treatment will guarantee you a holistic healing journey. Nutritional vegetarian food, teas according to your body type, herbal medicine, daily oil massagas, inhalations, baths, peelings and cleansing of your GI tract, sinuses along with joga, beach walks and time out.

If you want to know more please feel free to contact me.